Guide - module "Automatic Polls"

Table of contents:

1. Questions

2. Polls

3. View report with polls results


Log in to the web interface under the Administrator user.

Default login - admin, default password - pbxunit


1. Questions

Create a question:

Name - question name

Client - customer choice



Quest record - select from the list an entry preloaded into FreePBX

Input length - the length of the response variant, when typing this length, does not wait for the timeout, but immediately sends the entered response

Timeout input (seconds) - time-out for entering a response

Attempts to input - number of attempts, if a non-existent response is entered or a timeout occurred


Variants of answer

List of answers

Variant - numeric response codeа

Name - the name of the answer is displayed in the report


2. Polls

Create a poll:

Name - poll name

Client - customer choice



Begin poll record - record from FreePBX, is played before the survey begins

After answer record - record from FreePBX, is played after the end of each answer

Failed result record - record from FreePBX, is played by incorrect input of answer variant

End poll record - record from FreePBX, is played after the end of the poll


A list of questions

A list of questions. Questions are assigned to the subscriber in the order indicated in this list.


3. View report with polls results

Assign the module "autopolls" in the list of modules to the user in the "Administration" -> "Users" section. This user will see the report "Automatic polls" in the "Reports" section.